You see a lot of romantic symbols on Valentine’s Day. For example, many couples give each other roses. To give someone flowers at any time of year is romantic, and as roses are a symbol of romance, roses on Valentine’s Day are especially popular.

One understanding of romantic love—called courtly love—dates back to medieval times, and sending cards on Valentine’s Day dates back equally far. In 1415, a prisoner in the Tower of London sent a poem to his wife. This is considered to be one of the earliest recorded valentines. For over four hundred years, people made their own valentines by writing poems like this.
In the Victorian era, in the mid-1800s, companies started producing valentines for people to buy. Now many people buy, rather than make, their valentines. Almost one billion valentines are sent every year. According to the Greeting Card Association, 85% of the valentines are bought by women.
Of course, people don’t just buy cards. People buy candles and balloons and many other things, often in the shape of a heart. You can find boxes of candy that are shaped like hearts, or candy that is itself in the shape of a heart!

Some schools have valentine parties. The students give each other valentines. They eat heart shaped candy. Some schools have other valentine celebrations, such as dances.
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